5 Marketing Tips from Mehak Goyal’s Journey

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In this blog post, we analyse popular poet Mehak Goyal’s marketing strategy.


Mehak Goyal’s journey from a budding writer to a bestselling author is a fascinating case study in effective book marketing. Through her strategic approach, Goyal has managed to capture the attention of readers and establish herself as a prominent figure in the literary world.

In this analysis, we will delve into the key components of Goyal’s marketing strategy for her debut book Failure to Make Round Rotis (Published by Juggernaut, 2023), exploring how she leveraged social media, engaged with her audience, and created buzz around her books.

By dissecting Goyal’s approach, aspiring authors can gain valuable insights into effective book promotion tactics and learn how to maximize their own marketing efforts.

Now let’s dive into the details of Mehak Goyal’s marketing strategy and uncover the secrets behind her success.

Mehak Goyal’s book marketing strategy is multifaceted and encompasses various elements aimed at maximizing visibility and engagement.

Mehak Goyal

Key insights into Mehak Goyal’s approach to book marketing

Engagement on Social Media

Goyal maintains a strong presence on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. She regularly shares updates about her writing process, book releases, and promotional activities, effectively engaging with her audience and building a loyal following.

Interactive Content

Goyal creates interactive content that encourages audience participation and interaction. This includes Q&A sessions, live chats, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into her writing journey. By involving her audience in the creative process, Goyal fosters a sense of connection and community around her books.

Strategic Partnerships

Goyal collaborates with influencers, bloggers, and fellow authors to amplify her reach and expand her audience. These partnerships often involve cross-promotion, guest blogging, or joint social media campaigns, allowing Goyal to tap into new networks and attract readers who may be interested in her work.

Email Marketing

Goyal utilizes email marketing to stay connected with her readers and keep them informed about her latest releases, promotions, and events. By building an email list and sending targeted newsletters, Goyal ensures that her books remain top-of-mind for her audience.

Book Launch Events

Goyal organizes book launch events, both online and offline, to generate excitement and buzz around her new releases. These events may include virtual book readings, author interviews, and interactive discussions, providing readers with an opportunity to connect with Goyal and learn more about her books.

Consistent Branding

Goyal maintains a consistent brand image across her marketing channels, including her website, social media profiles, and promotional materials. This cohesive branding helps to reinforce her author identity and make her books easily recognizable to readers.

By implementing these strategies, Mehak Goyal has been able to effectively promote her books and connect with her audience on a deeper level. Her proactive approach to book marketing serves as a valuable example for aspiring authors looking to establish themselves in the competitive publishing industry.

Mehak Goyal

What it means?

In conclusion, Mehak Goyal’s book marketing strategy exemplifies the power of engagement, collaboration, and consistent branding in reaching and resonating with her audience. By leveraging social media, interactive content, strategic partnerships, email marketing, book launch events, and cohesive branding, Goyal has successfully built a loyal following and generated excitement around her books.

Her proactive approach to book marketing not only drives sales but also fosters meaningful connections with her readers, ultimately contributing to her success as an author. Aspiring authors can learn valuable lessons from Goyal’s strategy and adapt these tactics to promote their own work effectively in today’s competitive publishing landscape.

Mehak Goyal

Mehak Goyal V/s Rupi Kaur- Who did it better?

Mehak Goyal’s approach to building her identity shares similarities with Rupi Kaur’s in several key aspects. Firstly, both authors have cultivated a distinct and recognizable brand through their writing style, thematic focus, and visual aesthetic. Like Kaur, Goyal has honed a unique voice and narrative style that resonates with her audience, establishing herself as a prominent voice in contemporary poetry.

Secondly, both authors have leveraged social media platforms, particularly Instagram, to amplify their reach and engage with their audience directly. Through consistent and authentic content sharing, including poems, personal insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, Goyal, like Kaur, has fostered a strong sense of connection and community with her readers.

Additionally, both authors have embraced multimedia formats to complement their written work and enhance the overall reader experience. Just as Kaur incorporates illustrations alongside her poetry, Goyal has utilized visuals, such as aesthetically pleasing graphics and videos, to complement her poetic verses and create a cohesive brand aesthetic.

Overall, Goyal’s approach to building her identity shares parallels with Rupi Kaur’s in terms of cultivating a distinctive brand, leveraging social media for audience engagement, and incorporating multimedia elements to enhance her work’s impact and appeal.

Authors should strive to understand the underlying principles and tactics behind successful marketing strategies and tailor them to suit their own brand, content, and target audience.

Should authors follow successful author’s footsteps in book marketing?

It’s not inherently wrong to follow a popular author’s footsteps in marketing strategy, but it’s essential to approach it with discernment and adaptability. While emulating successful strategies can provide valuable insights and inspiration, blindly replicating them without considering your unique circumstances, audience, and goals may not yield the desired results.

Instead, authors should strive to understand the underlying principles and tactics behind successful marketing strategies and tailor them to suit their own brand, content, and target audience. This involves conducting thorough research, testing different approaches, and continuously refining and optimizing their marketing efforts based on feedback and data.

Ultimately, while drawing inspiration from popular authors can be beneficial, authors should aim to develop their distinct voice, brand identity, and marketing approach that authentically reflect who they are as creators and resonate with their specific audience.

For more customized book marketing solutions, reach out to us today.

Advice for authors wanting to follow Mehak Goyal’s Marketing Strategy

For authors who are inspired by Mehak Goyal’s marketing strategy and success, here are some key pieces of advice:

Study Mehak Goyal’s Journey

Take the time to research and understand Mehak Goyal’s journey from a writer to a successful author. Analyze her books, social media presence, website, and any interviews or articles about her to gain insights into her marketing strategy, writing style, and audience engagement tactics.

Identify Key Strategies

Identify the key marketing strategies and tactics that Mehak Goyal has used to build her author brand and promote her books. This could include leveraging social media platforms effectively, engaging with her audience through regular updates and interactions, collaborating with influencers or fellow authors, and participating in book events or signings.

Adapt Strategies to Your Brand

While it’s essential to learn from Mehak Goyal’s success, remember that every author is unique. Consider how you can adapt her strategies to align with your own brand, writing style, and target audience. What works for Mehak Goyal may not necessarily work for you, so be willing to experiment and tailor your approach accordingly.

Focus on Authenticity

One of the reasons readers are drawn to authors like Mehak Goyal is their authenticity and relatability. Stay true to yourself and your values as you navigate your author journey. Share personal stories, insights, and experiences that resonate with your audience and build genuine connections.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

The world of book marketing is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices. Invest time in learning from industry experts, attending workshops or webinars, and seeking feedback from peers or mentors to continually refine and improve your marketing strategy.

Persistence and Patience

Building a successful author brand and promoting your books takes time, effort, and perseverance. Be patient with yourself and the process, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks or challenges along the way. Stay focused on your goals, keep honing your craft, and celebrate each milestone and achievement, no matter how small.

By studying Mehak Goyal’s journey, adapting her strategies to your unique brand, staying authentic, continuously learning, and practicing patience and persistence, you can increase your chances of success as an author.

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